Saturday, May 1, 2010

Going for a ride

Today I saddled-up the boys and decided to go on a leisurely ride down the road past Smith Rock. It was
Friday, the week was over, and it was a gorgeous day; sixty-five degrees, light breeze and sunny with breathtaking cloud structures hung just out of my reach. I try to get the boys out at least five days a week and it seems to make them happy and content. I have a hard time just letting them stand around in the pasture. even though it's five acres and nicer than most horse pastures. Sometimes I put them into the trailer and go do my errands; we just hang-out together. Getting the horses out in the world seems to put their heads into a very good space. Often in our travels we'll come across a back country road and I'll pull over, unload and we'll just walk for awhile or I'll ride bareback. I've been observing them closely since I began doing this and they simply seem to like being out and about. Some people could find this odd but my deduction is that they enjoy it plus after an excursion they are always much more ready and content to be back at home sweet home again.

But today was a day for a simple ride; no training or pressure, just an easy day out under saddle. I have to say that when I'm horseback or when I'm just hanging-out with my horses doing whatever, that's when I feel truly at home in my skin. The smell of my horses (any horses for that matter), the little nickers they offer, their honesty and trust makes me want to spend more and more time being with them. There's not a lot of talk so I enter their world of calm and quiet and there's a lot to be said about that world. The more I care for them it seems the greater is their loyalty to me. Horses have brought more joy into my life than anything else I can think of and viewing life from between the ears of a horse is my idea of a real sweet spot.

Riding straight down my road, which heads straight to Smith Rock is a great ride. I can ride for miles down that road and even though it is a paved road and goes right past some amazing scenery, I can ride for hours and only one or two cars will pass us by. 

Passing by the main gate to Ranch at the Canyons gated community is always breathtaking as it sits nestled right at the base of Monkey Face and Smith Rock State Park. Sometimes we ride past this entrance four times a week and it's always beautiful and it's always different as the light dances on the rocks in different ways every day.

 In all honesty, my life is blessed more than I can express and there's no two ways about that. I thank the Lord every day for my blessings and especially for the honor and privilege of care-taking two of His majestic creatures. Thanks for listening to this little story and have a great day.

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